West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 2020 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from the January 8th meeting:
Attendees: Mike R., Mike O., Greg G., Glenn L., Roger F., Mike W., Nate W., Joe G., Adam F., Bill Z.
Guests: Andrew & Tim
Mike R. welcomed guests Tim & Andrew. (Andrew joined WSBA as a Boater at the end of the meeting).
Mike R. gave Joe G. his plaque for his win at Whitewater in 2019.
Mike R. distributed flyers for the annual IBN Texas Hold Em poker tourney on Feb. 15th. $120 buy in. $20 for spectators. Food & drinks are provided.
Mike R. and Adam F. will attend the annual IBN president's conference in Plainfield on Feb. 15th.
The IBN State Qualifier tournament will be held in mid-October at Lake of Egypt.
The IBN is once again hosting a team series of tournaments.
Nate W. distributed flyers for recruiting new members.
There was nothing new to report for the website or conservation project.
Mike O. distributed the 2020 schedule. Due to logistics, we will draw partners at the Feb. meeting for our first stop at Lake of the Ozarks on April 4-5.
Boaters were reminded to begin sending their 2020 insurance certificates to Mike O.
Greg G. reminded members to check the BASS membership and renew it if needed.
February 2020 Meeting Minutes
Here are the attendance and notes from our Feb. 12th meeting.
Attendees: Mike O, Greg G, Andrew V, Mike R, Mike W, Ricky L, Frank R, Glenn L, Roger F, Bill Z, Nate W, Lou G, Adam F, Tim G, Joe G.
Note: Tim Garner joined at the meeting.
Guest: Kris Klecz
Mike R. welcomed guest Kris K.
We drew partners for Lake of the Ozarks. Mike O. will send out more info on the tournament. He needs to know who is definitely going so he can reserve enough cabins.
Annual Dues need to be paid as rosters must be sent to the IBN and BASS.
Boaters need to send their 2020 insurance info to Mike O.
Pine Lake will be the alternate to Pool 13 if the river is not fishable.
Steve W. will not be able to assist with planning the 2020 Palatine Fishing Derby. We need members to step up as Roger may be limited too. We need prize donations. Frank R. agreed to get rod/reel combos from Ardent and will assist with planning and prep for the event.
Mike R. and Adam F. are attending the IBN President's meeting this weekend. We will ask what the IBN is doing so that the State Tournament is run better than it was last year.
We held our 50/50 Raffle. Tickets are now $3 or 2 for $5.
Frank announced that he will be leaving WSBA after this year to focus on fishing as a pro full time.
March 2020 Meeting Minutes
Here's the Attendance and Meeting Notes from last Wednesday's meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G., Tim G., Mike R., Lou G., Glenn L., Mike O., Andrew V., Bill O., Frank R., Ralph A., Adam F., Bill Z., Joe G., Nate W.., Kris K. (new member)
Mike R. welcomed guests Steve S., Petra R., Kris K. (joined at the meeting). Also welcomed new member Ralph A.
Todd from the Palatine Park District also attended and brought flyers for the Palatine Fishing Derby.
The Derby will be held on May 16th from 8 - Noon. Setup will begin at 6:00 am. We will need people to arrive early to set up.
There will be a Fishing Class on May 15th from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. We need guys to show up and assist.
We need funding for and/or prizes to be donated for the Derby.
Frank to order Ardent rods for prizes. WSBA approved and gave him $250 for them. Ardent will match our purchase.
Todd reminded us that no kids are allowed to drive the golf carts on the day of the Derby.
We will have a sign up sheet at the April meeting in order to plan on who will do what at the Derby.
Ralph A. agreed to be the MC for the Derby.
We need people to assist Bill Z. in planning and prep for the Derby. Please contact him.
The Club voted unanimously to refund Roger F's dues as he will not be able to fish with us this year. We all wish Roger a speedy recovery.
Mike R., Adam F., & Frank R. attended the annual IBN President's meeting in February.
Adam F. distributed MAW tickets to all members present. Each member is responsible for a minimum of 10 tickets ($2 each).
The State Tournament will be held Oct. 15-16 on Lake of Egypt. The roster is due in May(?) and payment in June(?). Mike R. to verify.
Mike R. had to pay $120 toward the State Tournament since no WSBA members signed up for the Poker Tournament that was held after the President's meeting. This is the IBN fundraiser for the State Team as the IBN was short on money last year. Mike will be reimbursed when our Team is signed up.
Mike R. has the IBN Financial Report from 2019 for member review.
Each IBN Club President is to cast a vote on whether or not to return to a 6 Man format as was done in the past for the State Tournament.
Frank R. informed the IBN that they were not in compliance with BASS rules as they were using funding and the State tournament inappropriately by qualifying members of their Team Series. BASS does not sanction team formatted events. They sanction Boater and Non-Boater formatted events.
Mike O. updated us on our Lake of the Ozarks tournament.
Remember to get a Missouri license if you are going.
Lou G. will purchase food for cookouts at the Tournament. Members fishing the tournament will reimburse him.
The Alabama Rig is allowed in Missouri - 3 hooks + 2 dummy baits are permitted.
We drew the take off order for the tournament.
April 2020 Meeting Minutes
Despite some technical difficulties, we were able to hold our meeting on Wednesday via Zoom. Thanks to Mike R. for putting it together and to Bill O. for getting us all online. If you attended and were somehow missed, please let me know.
Attendees: Greg G., Mike R., Mike O., Bill O., Joe G., Mike W., Matt Y., Ralph A., Tim G., Frank R., Kennedy G., Nate W., Lou G.
We discussed the May 2nd tournament at Pool 13. Right now, the Savanna Marina is flooded. The Big Slough ramp is open. The Spring Lake Campground is closed, but will accommodate us if they are allowed to open. Non-Boaters will drive themselves to the tournament. Some Boaters have requested to fish alone due to health concerns. We will probably not use nets. Masks are recommended. Fishing with a partner based on staying at home and social distancing. Mike O. will draw partners and keep us posted. Remember to buy your IL fishing license.
We discussed the Palatine Fishing Derby scheduled in mid-May. Mike Rubino has the rods and reels that Frank ordered from Ardent. Ardent matched out order!! Thanks Frank!! It was ultimately decided by all attendees that we should cancel the derby. Greg will call Todd Ranum from the Palatine Park District to let him know of our decision. Greg will email the Club after he speaks to Todd.
March 2021 Meeting Minutes
Below are the notes from our March 20th meeting. It was great to see everyone again!!
Mike R. welcomed our guest, Aaron Eddy. Aaron is interested in joining as a Non=Boater.
Mike R. recapped our 2020 Classic Tournament at Little Bay De Noc.
Mike R. introduced the Club Officers for 2021.
Club dues and lake of the Ozarks entry fees MUST be paid prior to the tournament. Greg will not handle monies at the ramp. Contact Greg to pay.
Mike R. discussed the position of Conservation Director and the Conservation Project (Palatine Fishing Derby). Ricky L. volunteered and was accepted as the Conservation Director for 2021.
We voted on whether to host the Palatine Fishing Derby in May. The vote was NO as we do not feel that Covid-19 restrictions will allow for adequate participation. (Greg contacted Todd Ranum of the Palatine Park District on March 11th to inform him of our decision).
Mike R. informed us that the IBN is hosting their own Conservation Project at Mazonia Lakes. In June, they are looking for volunteers to help construct and install fish attractors. Contact Mike R. if you are interested.
Mike O. reviewed our first Club tournament on Lake of the Ozarks, April 10-11:
Cabin assignments have been emailed.
Remember to get your Missouri Fishing License if you are going.
A-Rig regulations are 3 hooks only.
We will bbq on Friday & Saturday. Lou G. volunteered to shop for and bring food and necessities. Everyone will pay Lou for their portion of the bill.
Take off positions will be random on Day 1. Leaders will take off first on Day 2.
Boaters need to send their Insurance Certificate to Mike O as soon as possible.
Mike R. reminded all to be safer while running your boat and while on the water.
Mike R. recapped the IBN President's Meeting (prior email sent):
This is the last year for the IBN AOY tournament.
This year's State Qualifier is a 6 Man team format and is being held at Lake Shelbyville on Sept. 17 - 19. Entry fee is $150 per person (must pay for a 6-member team = $900). Additional entries will be included in a blind draw.
The IBN has posted their Team Series schedule on their website.
Marc Metallo who fished 2 tournaments as a guest last year, joined as a Non-Boater. Welcome aboard!!
Adam F. distributed MAW tickets. Each member must take 10 tickets at $2 each.
We held a 50/50 raffle.
April 2021 Meeting Minutes
Forgive my delay in sending this. Work has been crazy lately. Here are the attendance and notes from our April 15th meeting:
Attendees: Greg G., Steve S., Bill O., Mike R., Dave H., Adam F., Kennedy G., Jeff Schutz, Steven K., Nate W., Bart P., Dave R., James P.
Mike R. introduced James P. who is joining us as a Non-Boater.
We also announced that Jeff Scherer is joining us as a Boater.
Boaters need to send Mike O. their insurance certificates.
The IBN will be sending us more information about the clean-up project they are doing at Mazonia.
Frank R. and Tim G. will be fishing the IBN's Angler of the Year tournament.
Mike W. will add points from tournaments and attendance to our website.
We voted on whether or not to count meeting points this year. The vote was that we will include/count meeting points.
There are 4 Boaters signed up for the State Tournament (6 Man) that will held on Lake Shelbyville this year. Contact Mike R. if you are interested in fishing it.
We recapped the Lake of the Ozarks tournament. Congrats to Kennedy and Tim on their wins.
We discussed our Pool 13 tournament on May 1st. See emails from Mike O. for more info.
We clarified the take-off order for Day 2 of a 2-day tournament. The order will be reversed on Day 2 from the order on Day 1. We will NOT take-off based on the Day 1 weights.
Each member needs to purchase/sell 10 Make - A - Wish tickets. See Adam F. for your tickets.
We held a 50/50 raffle. It was won by James P.
May 2021 Meeting Minutes
Mike Wright was kind enough to point out that I never send the May Meeting Notes. My apologies as I thought I had. Here they are:
Greg G. ,Mike R., Frank R., Steve S., Nate W., Ricky L., Mike O., Adam F., Andrew V., Tim G., Mike Wollenberg, Marc M., Bart P., Kyle B.
Mike R. asked us to say a prayer for Dave R. and Roger F's wife who are both ill.
We welcomed a new member - Kyle Bowerman who joined as a Non-Boater.
We reminded new members that they should bring a life vest and cull tags (non-penetrating) to each tournament.
Please send pictures from tournaments to Mike Wright to be posted on our web site.
Adam reported that everyone now has MAW tickets.
Frank R. and Tim G. are fishing the IBN AOY tournament on July 24th.
4 Boaters are signed up for the IBN State Qualifier. There is a $150 entry fee. The tournament is in Sept. on Lake Shelbyville. Contact Mike Rubino if interested.
We recapped our Pool 13 tournament.
We discussed our tournament on the Madison Chain. Boaters need to pre-pay their launch fee online. It costs $8. Mike O. will send an email.
June 2021 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Meeting Notes and Attendance from the June Meeting:
Greg G., Mike R., Ralph A., Tim G., Steve S., Ricky L., Bill O., Mike Wollenberg, Bart P., Dave H., Adam F.
Dave R. is recovering at home. Please continue to pray for him.
All Club info including standings and tournament schedules/dates are on the WSBA website.
The July meeting will be on July 21, the week after the St. Clair tournament.
Mike R. is going to talk to the Weber Grill about a private room for meetings. However, both the Weber Grill and Moretti's want us to guarantee a minimum of 15 people per meeting.
The IBN Conservation Project is June 26th. That is the same date as our Green Lake tournament.
Frank R. and Tim G. have been registered for the IBN AOY tournament in July.
The IBN State Qualifier is in Sept. on Lake Shelbyville. We have 4 Boaters committed, but we need Non-Boaters. Mike Wollenberg and Bart Pliwko committed at the meeting as Non-Boaters. We need 2 more.
MAW tickets will be returned to the IBN in Sept.
Thanks to all who have helped with the weigh in at the last 2 tournaments.
We recapped the Madison Chain and Delevan tournaments.
We drew partners for Green Lake and Lake St. Clair. Emails to follow from Mike O.
July 2021 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from last night's meeting:
Attendees: Greg G., Mike R., Bill O., Glenn L., Andrew V., Tim G., Nate W., Bart P., Adam F., Mike O., Frank R., Kyle B.
We provided an update on Dave R. and Roger F.
Make A Wish Tickets are due back to Adam next month. Please make sure you get them to him.
We discussed warm weather/water fish care. Make sure you have ice available. Also, we may limit the number of weigh-in bags used to minimize the time the fish are in the bags.
We discussed the cancellation of the Lake St. Clair tournament. It will be as if were never scheduled. It will not count in any way, for anyone.
We wished Frank R. and Tim G. luck at the IBN AOY tournament this Saturday on the Cal Sag.
The IBN State Qualifier is Sept. 18-19 at Lake Shelbyville. 6 members are going. Bill O. is the team captain. Those going must send Greg their $150 entry fee by August 1, when the roster is due.
We recapped the Green Lake tournament.
We discussed our Classic. We will decide where to go at the August meeting. Send your suggestions to Mike O.
We drew partners for Wind Lake. See seperate email from Mike O.
August 2021 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes & attendance from our August meeting. Also attached are the updated results from Wind Lake. Somehow, Steven's weight did not get saved on the original.
Attendees: Mike R., Greg G., Dave H., Tim G., Glenn L., Bill O., Mike O., Bart P., Ricky L., Kyle B., Mark M., Mike Wol.
Our State Qualifier team is set and will be fishing Lake Shelbyville on Sept. 18-19.
We recapped the Wind Lake tournament.
We have Lake Geneva and Whitewater on the schedule in Sept. We'll draw partners at the Sept. meeting.
We discussed our Classic. The location chosen is Little Bay De Noc on Oct. 9 - 10.
We discussed Pool 14. Water levels are up. There are several guys who are planning to jump in, so Mike O. will draw partners the week of August 16th.
September 2021 Meeting Minutes
Here are the attendance and notes form our Sept. 8th meeting:
Attendees: Ricky L., Andrew V., Tim G., Greg G., Nate W., Glenn L., Dave H., Bill O., Mike Wol., Adam F., Mike R., Bart P., Kyle B., Lou G., Steven K., Mike O. (Dave Radionoff also attended).
We welcomed Dave R. back. He's been ill and is doing better!! Good to see him again.
Matt Y's Mom passed away recently. We extended our sympathies to Matt and his family.
We extended our THANKS to Mike Wright for maintaining our website!!
Frank R. fished the BASS Divisional out of La Crosse last week. IBN Angler Allen Severance finished 2nd.
There is a benefit tournament on Lake Geneva for Allen Severance's son. The tournament is on Sunday, Sept. 26th.
The Illinois State Team Qualifier is next weekend on Lake Shelbyville. Bill O. is the Captain of our team. Good luck to WSBA Anglers!!
Both races for the Club AOY are tight!!
We discussed the Palatine Fishing derby. We decided that we will proceed with planning on hosting it in May 2022.
Mike R. and Dave H. fished the Bass Pro Shops Open on Lake St. Clair.
We recapped the tournament held on Lake Geneva (moved from Pool 14).
We drew partners for Lake Geneva & Whitewater this month.
We discussed our Classic at Little Bay De Noc. You must make your own reservations for lodging. Cabins are filling up fast, but hotel rooms are available. We will cookout while there. Lou G., volunteered to procure the food. Mike O. will draw partners after Whitewater, once we know is eligible to fish.
October 2021 Meeting Minutes
Here are the attendees and meeting notes from our October 13th meeting.
Attendees: Mike R., Mike Wol., Greg G., Mike O., Dave R., Nate W., Tim G., Ricky L., Bart P.
Guests: Brad and Tory
We welcomed guests and potential new members Brad and Tory. Both are Boaters.
Roger F. and his wife are both doing well. Roger hopes to come back and fish in 2022.
We will be hosting the Palatine Fishing Derby next May. Ricky will continue as Conservation Director, but we will need to elect an assistant to take over after Ricky moves to Florida later next year.
We had a safe, accident free 2021 season.
The IBN State Qualifer was held last month at Lake Shelbyville. Congrats to Mike R. who made the State Team as a Non-Boater.
We recapped the Whitewater tournament.
We recapped the AOY races which were both decided at Whitewater. Congrats to Bill O. and Greg G.
We recapped our Classic tournament.
We need an Assistant Tournament Director to assist Mike O. in 2022. The Assistant will help Mike with the 2022 schedule and run the tournaments when Mike isn't present.
Please bring your plates for your plaques to next month's meeting if you won a tournament in 2021.
We will vote for Club Officers and Rule Changes for 2022 at the November meeting. Send Greg ideas for Rule Changes before the meeting.
Send ideas for lakes, rivers to fish in 2022 to Mike O.
November 2021 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from our November 10th meeting:
Attendees: Greg G., Mike O., Bill O., Frank R., Tim G., Andrew V., Nate W., Adam F., Dave R.
If you won a tournament in 2021, get your plates for your plaque to Mike R. right away.
Our annual banquet is next month on Wednesday, Dec. 8th at 7:00 pm at Moretti's in Schaumburg. WSBA will provide food and soft drinks.
We voted on Club Officers for 2022. Current officers were re-elected. Matt Y. agreed to become the Asst. Tournament Director.
President = Mike Rubino
Vice President = Adam Falkiewicz
Secretary/Treasurer = Greg Groves
Tournament Director = Mike Olson. Asst. Tournament Director = Matt Yeisley.
Conservation Director = Ricky Lezcano
Membership Director = Nate Wilson
We discussed and voted on potential rule changes:
There is a rule that penalizes Anglers for late entries in tournaments. We will enforce it and the late entry fee will be $10.00. You must declare your entry at the meeting before a scheduled tournament to avoid the late entry fee.
If you need/want to drop out of a tournament without forfeiting your entry fee, you must do so no later than the Wednesday before the tournament for a one-day event. You must do so on the Monday before a two-day event. We will not roll over entry fees paid outside of these parameters except in the case of extenuating circumstances.
Should we limit the days/times allowed for pre-fishing?? The vote on this was NO.'
Nate W. agreed to take over management of the Club's Facebook page. Nate will update it with info and pictures.
Send Mike O. any suggestions you have for the 2022 tournament schedule.