West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from the January 10th meeting:
Member Attendance:
Bill O., Mike O., Greg G., Mike R., Glenn L., Roger F., Mike W., Bill Z., Steve W., Ricky L., Sean B.
Probable new members:
Bill Finch, Jake Gaston, Dave Radionoff
Steve Stenzel
The updated 2018 Rules packet will be distributed in February.
Boaters need to send their current Insurance Certificate to Mike Olson or Glenn Leeper.
Make A Wish Tickets will be distributed in February. Each member must purchase at least 10 at $2 each.
The annual IBN President's meeting is this Saturday. Bill O. and Ricky will attend and provide updates at our next meeting. Included will be info on the 2018 State Qualifier tournament to be held in September on Lake Springfield.
We will hold our annual tackle swap at the February meeting. Bring all rods, reels, lures, etc. you would like to sell.
We discussed the tragic accident on Lake Okeechobee that took the life of a Non-Boater. It is a reminder that safety is paramount.
Mike O. distributed the 2018 schedule. He will hand out folders next month. Mike will email Club members to vote on where we will stay for our first tournament at Kentucky Lake.
The annual outdoors show in Schaumburg is Jan. 25 - 28. Hope to see everyone there. Please remember to try to talk to prospective new members that you may meet. Especially Non-Boaters.
We introduced prospective new members Dave Radionoff (former member), Bill Finch, and Jake Gaston. Original founding member Steve Stenzel was also in attendance as a guest.
We informed everyone of the need to purchase a new scale for 2018.
We collected membership dues and entry fees to the annual Big Bass Pot. As a reminder, this pot is optional. It is $25 to get in and is winner take all. It is based on the largest bass weighed in at any of our tournaments during the year, including the Classic. You must get in prior to the first tournament of the year.
Febuary 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from the February meeting (2/21/18). PLEASE NOTE: Ralph Antfellner has been added to the email list.
Attendees: Greg G., Glenn L., Frank R., Mike R., Dave R., Bill O., Kennedy G., Roger F., Mike O., Lou G., Adam F., Bill Z., Steve W.,
Orlando T. & Jake G. Paid dues and joined at meeting.
Guest: Ralph A. ( He will pay dues and join in March)
We welcomed Orlando T., Jake G., and Ralph A.
Boaters MUST send their insurance certificates to Mike O. or Glenn L. before the first tournament.
Ricky has MAW tickets. He couldn't attend the meeting so he will bring them in March. Each member must purchase $20 in tickets. They can be re-sold.
Member dues ($120) need to be paid. Also, Big Bass Pot must be paid before our first tournament if you want in. You gotta pay to play.
Mike O. emailed the tournament sheets to all members. They will also be posted on the website. Some of the launches are TBD.
Kentucky Lake is our first tournament. We are staying at the same hotel and launching nearby at the dam.
We demo'd and discussed non-penetrating cull clips. They are strongly recommended this year and will be mandatory next year. All BASS tournaments require you to use only non-penetrating clips.
We discussed the new Bylaws and Rules that were drafted by Frank and edited by the Club Officers. Please read them and email Greg if you have questions or proposed changes. You MUST sign the Liability Statement at the end BEFORE you can fish.
Bill discussed the IBN President's meeting: John Stewart, the head of the BASS Nation was the guest speaker. The IBN AOY tournament (Ricky & Greg qualified) is July 21st. The State Tournament is Sept. 22-23 on Lake Springfield. Clubs can get 40% off of products from TH Marine. Since a special code must be obtained from the IBN, Bill O. will coordinate on order for members.
Ralph A. can get mushroom heads for Ned rigs.
We will again collect used soft plastics during our season.
Steve W. updated the Palatine Fishing Derby (May 19th). He has reached out to Boy & Girl Scouts, Boys/Girls Clubs, the Palatine PD & FD. We need at least 13 members to run the derby!!
March 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from our March 14th meeting:
Attendees: Mike O., Greg G., Matt Y., Mike R., Glenn L., Steve W., Dave R., Frank R., Jake G., Mike W., Ricky L., Scott S., Orlando T., Adam F., Lou G.,
Bill Z., Nate W. (New member).
Guest: Petra R.
Ricky L. distributed MAW (Make-A-Wish) raffle tickets. Remember, each member must purchase/sell 10 tickets @ $2 each.
Bill O. and Kennedy G. are fishing the Angler's Choice Championship at Lake Guntersville. Good luck to them!!
We ratified the updated and improved Rules & Bylaws for 2018. Each member MUST sign the release form attached to them before he can fish with us.
Boaters need to send their current insurance certificates to Mike O. You can't fish until he has it.
We have purchased a new Equalizer scale at a cost of $405. The Club has sufficient funds to cover this cost, but members were asked to donate if they'd like to.
Don't forget to purchase your fishing licenses. This year you will need Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan licenses if you are fishing all of out tournaments.
We are staying at the Econolodge near the dam at Kentucky Lake. Mike O. has reserved rooms for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights at a cost of $55/night. Please call them and put a room in your name (Boaters).
We discussed length limits at Kentucky Lake. Mike O. will have the official length and quantity limits at the pre-tournament meeting when we get to the lake.
We welcomed new member Nate Wilson (Non-Boater).
Juan S. had shoulder surgery and is recuperating. We want to wish him a speedy recovery and return to action/fishing.
Roger F. is being treated for prostate cancer. We also wish him well and look forward to his return. He's chomping at the bit to get back inaction with us.
Steve W. updated us on our Conservation Project. Steve has taken the lead on this in Roger's absence.
We need help getting the Fishing Derby put together. Steve handed out copies of the flier for the Derby. We will need to get them posted at Bait Shops and Fishing stores soon.
We will need at lease 13 members present to run the Derby on Saturday, May 19th. We need participation!!
Frank R. was able to get 12 Ardent rod/reel combos at cost as prizes.
Please seek out sponsors and donations of items for prizes at the derby.
Related to the above, Steve W. discussed the cumulative buying power that we, as a group, have. He also asked that referrals be given to Partners in Real Estate (Steve's Company) and to People's Home Equity (Frank Stompanato's Company). That is why they sponsor WSBA - to try and grow their businesses. They are great resources and very experienced in Real Estate and Mortgage Lending!!
April 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and the notes from last night's meeting:
Attendees: Greg G., Mike O., Glenn L., Mike R., Jake G., Frank R., Mike W., Steve W., Dave R., Nate W., Adam F., Ricky L., Bill Z., Orlando T.
We recapped the Kentucky Lake Tournament.
Mike O. informed us that we will now have all pre-tournament meetings on shore. Participants should plan on meeting by the first vehicle in line to launch at least 1/2 hour before the scheduled start of a tournament. We were asked to provide launch and take out assistance to Boaters that do not have a partner.
Boaters fishing the Fox Chain tournament on April 21st will need to purchase a Fox Chain sticker for their boat. They are available at the Fox Chain Waterway Office located behind the McDonalds in Fox Lake. They can be pre-dated if purchased early from this office. They are also available at Ben Watt's Marina where we are launching. They CANNOT be pre-dated there and the Marina office will NOT be open early enough on the morning of April 21st. They can be purchased there on April 20th in the afternoon as they are good for 24 hours. You MUST have your boat's registration with you when you purchase the sticker. See Mike O's email.
Remember to see and pay Ricky for your MAW tickets. Each member must purchase 10 tickets for $2 each.
We discussed the Palatine Fishing Derby on May 19th. Steve informed us that the Palatine FD and PD will be there to support us. We need at least 12 members to run the Derby. Sign up for working the Derby will occur at the May meeting. Thanks to Bill Z. who donated $50 toward the Derby and Nate W. who donated $40.
Lee's Bait & Tackle will be having their annual open house this coming weekend.
Roger F. has decided to take this year off due to personal reasons. The Officers of the Club have decided to return his membership dues to him.
We drew partners for the Fox Chain (April 21st) and Pool 13 (May 5th) tournaments.
May 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the attendance & notes from last week's meeting:
Attendees: Greg G., Mike O., Bill O., Glenn L., Dave R., Mike W., Adam F., Steve W., Bill Z., Mike R., Matt Y., Sean B., Nate W., Orlando T.
Special Guest Appearance by Roger F.
We recapped the Fox Chain and Pool 13 tournaments.
The Palatine Fishing Derby is Saturday, May 19th. WE NEED MEMBERS TO COME OUT AND HELP!!! Please contact Steve and let him know what you can help do. We especially need help with set up at 6:00 am and tear down at Noon. Many of us have graduations or other commitments. Even if you can only help for an hour or two, please do so.
We drew partners for Lake Geneva (Sunday, May 20th) and Green Lake (Saturday, June 2nd).
We will continue to have our pre-tournament meetings on shore. Please arrive to the launch site early.
Remember, you MUST contact Mike O., Tournament Director, as soon as possible if you want to jump in or if you need to back out of a tournament.
June 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and meeting notes from our June 13th meeting:
Attendees: Greg G., Glenn L., Dave R., Mike W., Bill O., Orlando T., Bill Z., Frank R., Kennedy G., Nate W., Ricky L., Adam F.
Roger F. joined us too!!
We recapped the Palatine Fishing Derby. There were 92 participants. Roger talked about the Hoffman Estates Fishing Derby that he attended. It has been running for 20 years and has official sponsors that provide prizes. They had about 100 participants. Planning for the 2019 Palatine Derby is already underway!!
We discussed our shortage of Non-Boaters. It was decided that we would offer a discounted membership, just for this year, to any new Non-Boaters. Dues would be $50 and new members could fish 3 tournaments to qualify for our Classic. Mike W. will post this on our website.
We recapped the Lake Geneva and Green Lake tournaments.
We drew partners for the Madison Chain and St. Clair tournaments.
July 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes and attendance from the July meeting. Sorry for the delay. It's been a hectic week.
Attendees: Greg G., Mike O., Bill O., Mike R., Matt Y., Steve W., Frank R., Dave R., Glenn L., Adam F., Orlando T., Bill Z., Nate W.
The IBN AOY tournament is Saturday, July 21. Ricky and Matt will be representing us.
The IBN State tournament is Sept. 22-23 at Lake Springfield. We can send up to 10 anglers, but they must be in pairs - Boater and Non-boater - and we must send an even number. There is a #130 entry fee per angler and entries are due August 1. Let Bill O. know if want to go.
We recapped our Madison Chain tournament.
We recapped our Lake St. Clair tournament.
Please email Mike O. with your suggestions for our Classic location. We will vote and decide where it will be at the August meeting.
Contact Ricky and pay for your Make-A-Wish tickets. We have to submit them soon!!
We drew partners for the Des Plaines River on August 4th.
August 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from the August 8 meeting:
Attendees: Greg G., Mike O., Ricky L., Orlando T., Mike W., Dave R., Nate W., Adam F., Bill Z.
We recapped the Des Plaines River tournament.
Ricky recapped the IBN AOY tournament on the Des Plaines River that he and Matt fished.
Make A Wish tickets are due now!! Contact Ricky. You must buy or sell 10 tickets to remain in good standing.
The IBN State Qualifier is at Lake Springfield in September. Bill O., Frank R., and Ricky L. are going as Boaters. Matt Y., Mike R., and Nate W. are going as Non-Boaters.
We discussed and voted on our Classic location for October. The vote was between La Crosse and Bay De Noc. We will be going to Little Bay De Noc again this year. Plans will be finalized and partners drawn at the September meeting.
We drew partners for Pewaukee and Little Muskego.
September 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from last night's meeting:
Attendees: Bill O, Greg G, Matt Y, Glenn L, Mike R, Orlando T, Ricky L, Mike W, Adam F, Dave R, Nate W, Bill Z, Scott S
Nominations for Club Officers for 2019 will happen at the October meeting. Bill O. is stepping down as President. Mike W. is stepping down as Membership Director.
The IBN State Tournament is next weekend at Lake Springfield. Bill O, Frank R, Mike R, Mike O, Nate W, and Ricky L are representing WSBA.
We recapped the Pewaukee and Little Muskego tournaments.
We discussed our Classic tournament at Little Bay De Noc. It was suggested we schedule the tournament on Friday & Saturday to have Sunday as a make up day in case of foul weather. This was not approved. We will fish Saturday & Sunday.
Mike O. has reserved rooms at Little Bay De Noc. It is the same hotel we stayed at last year. Boaters, please call and put a room in your name. Rooms are being held Thursday night through Sunday. If you're going up earlier, you must let them know.
Adoba Hotel - Gladstone
26 Lowrie Ave.
Gladstone, MI 49837
(906) 428 - 6770
6. We drew partners for Whitewater (9/29) and the Classic (10/13-10/14).
7. We are moving our October meeting back one week as it would fall on the Wednesday before the Classic. The meeting will now be on
Oct. 17th.
October 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes & attendance from last night's meeting:
Attendees: Mike R., Glenn L., Bill O., Mike O., Greg G., Adam F., Mike W., Kennedy G., Nate W., Bill Z., Steve W., Lou G.
Guests: Roger F. and Bill (Prospective Non-Boater)
We recapped the Whitewater tournament.
We recapped our Classic at Little Bay De Noc.
We nominated officers for 2019. The following people volunteered. Please note: Nominations are still open.
President - Mike R.
Vice President - Ricky L. & Adam F.
Secretary/Treasurer - Greg G.
Tournament Director - Mike O.
Membership Director - Nate W.
Conservation Director - Bill Z.
Please start thinking about lakes for next year's schedule. Email suggestions to Mike O.
We discussed possible rule changes for next year:
Should we fish in a team format? Teams would choose each other and fish together for the entire year.
Should we allow family members or friends to fish with Boaters that do not have a partner? Friends would be allowed to fish 2 tournaments. Spouses would be unlimited. These individuals would fish for money only, no points. They would have to pay entry fees. They would not need to attend the meeting prior to the tournament in order to fish. The Boater would be responsible for their payment. However, they would have to attend the meeting after a tournament in order to get paid their winnings.
Should we change our tournament payouts to pay 2 spots for 6 or fewer Boaters/Non-Boaters and pay 3 spots for 7 or more Boaters/Non-Boaters?
Should we not allow dead fish to be weighed in?
Reminder: Per last year's rule change, only non-penetrating cull tags will be allowed in 2019.
Please bring the plates off of your plaques to the next meeting or get them to Bill O. for engraving. Only 1st place will receive plates/plaques this year.
Alan Severence of the IBN is hosting a benefit tournament on Oct. 27th on Lake Geneva (Williams Bay) to assist his sick son. Up to 4 people to a boat. $75 per person entry fee. This will take the place of Mike R's first Fallen Leaves tournament. The second and only Fallen Leaves tournament will be on Nov. 17th out of Williams Bay.
November 2018 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes & attendance from our November meeting. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Attendees: Bill O., Mike O., Greg G., Glenn L., Dave R., Frank R., Ricky L., Mike W., Kennedy G., Nate W., Bill Z., Steve W.
Club Dues for next year can now be paid. Dues are unchanged at $120.
Our Annual Banquet is December 12th at Tilted Kilt. The Club will pay for dinner and soft drinks. You must pay for your own alcohol.
Send plates for award plaques to Bill O. He will be ordering awards for the December Banquet.
Send lake suggestions for next year's schedule to Mike O.
Mike O. will need new insurance certificates for Boaters after January 1st.
We elected Club Officers for 2019:
President - Mike R.
Vice President - Ricky L. (Adam F. will assist)
Secretary/Treasurer - Greg G.
Tournament Director - Mike O.
Membership Director - Nate W.
Conservation Director - Bill Z.
We voted on rule changes for 2019:
Should we fish in a team format? NO
Should we allow family members or friends to fish with Boaters that do not have a partner? Friends would be allowed to fish 2 tournaments. Spouses would be unlimited. These individuals would fish for money only, no points. They would have to pay entry fees. They would not need to attend the meeting prior to the tournament in order to fish. The Boater would be responsible for their payment. However, they would have to attend the meeting after a tournament in order to get paid their winnings? YES
Should we change our tournament payouts to pay 2 spots for 6 or fewer Boaters/Non-Boaters and pay 3 spots for 7 or more Boaters/Non-Boaters? YES
Should we change payouts for 6 or fewer Boaters to pay 45% to 1st Place and 25% to 2nd Place (30% to still go to Club/Classic)? YES
Should we increase tournament entry fees to $45 for a one day tournament and $70 for a two day tournament? YES
Should there be one Big Bass pot for a two day tournament instead of two? YES
Should we NOT allow dead fish to be weighed in? NO. Dead fish can be weighed in with an 8 oz penalty.
As voted last year - non-penetrating, conservation cull tags are now mandatory.
Should we average the weight of fish caught in BOTH one day and two day tournaments? YES (Explanation: Currently, the weight of fish caught at a two day tournament is averaged so as not to penalize members who cannot fish a two day tournament and prevent them from contending for AOY. However, this also penalizes the winner of a two day tournament. Now, in a one day tournament, an Angler that catches a 5 fish limit weighing 10 lbs will have his weight averaged. 10 lbs/5 fish limit = 2 points. An Angler that catches 3 fish (5 fish limit) weighing 5 lbs = 5 lbs/5 fish limit = 1 point. THE APPLICABLE LIMIT IS USED TO CALCULATE THE POINTS. Similarly, in a two day tournament, an Angler that catches a TOTAL of 8 fish that weigh 20 lbs (5 fish limit per day) = 20 lbs/10 fish limit = 2 points. An Angler that catches a TOTAL of 10 fish that weigh 20 lbs (5 fish limit per day) - 20 lbs/10 fish = 2 points. SINCE OUR SCORING HAS NOT CHANGED, PER TIE BREAKER RULES, THE ANGLER THAT CAUGHT 10 FISH WOULD BE 1ST PLACE AND RECEIVE 25 POINTS + 2 POINTS = 27. THE ANGLER THAT CAUGHT 8 FISH WOULD BE 2ND PLACE AND RECEIVE 24 POINTS + 2 POINTS = 26.) Again, scoring HAS NOT CHANGED. We will still round all weights to the nearest 1/10th of a pound.
December 2018 Meeting Minutes
On Wednesday, Dec. 12th, we held our annual awards banquet. In attendance were:
Greg G, Matt Y, Glenn L, Mike O, Mike R, Frank R, Orlando T, Kennedy G, Steve W, Dave R, Adam F, Mike W, Bill Z, Nate W
Special Guests: Roger Fieser & Petra Ramsey
WSBA provided food and beverages for all.
Awards were presented to all anglers (Boater & Non-Boater) that won tournaments in 2018.
Annual Awards were presented to:
2018 Classic Champions - Bill Olson (Boater) & Matt Yeisley (Non-Boater).
2018 AOYs - Adam Falkiewicz (Boater) & Matt Yeisley (Non-Boater).
Annual Big Bass Award - Mike Rubino (6.95 lb. smallmouth).
Most Improved Angler - Matt Yeisley .
We recognized and thanked Steve Wiskerchen & Frank Stompanato for their sponsorship and continued support of WSBA.
Our next meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019. New Club Officers will take their place at this meeting.
Please let Greg G. know if you intend to re-join for 2019.
Please email Mike O. with suggestions of lakes/rivers for the 2019 season.
Boaters will need to submit new insurance certificates beginning in January.
Please begin paying 2019 Dues at the January meeting.
WE NEED NON-BOATERS!! Please try to recruit people you may know or meet.